Pride Revolution 2024

What is the Trans Empowerment Project?

TEP is a federally recognized 501c3 non-profit organization whose mission is to move our community out of crisis by creating equitable systems of support centered around Disabled 2TIGE-BIPOC (2Spirit, Trans, Intersex, and Gender Expansive members of the community who are also Black, Indigenous, and or People of Color), to ensure that we all get to thrive.

Where to Donate?

Click the link below to go to our main Tiltify campaign!From there you can either donate to the main campaign or find the sub-campaign of participants and donate to their link. Either way you're making a donation to a great cause and helping us change the world for the better!

What are we doing?

From May 15th to July 1st TTRPG streamers will be coming together from all across Twitch under one umbrella #PrideRevolution2024 to raise money for the Trans Empowerment Project. With 40+ streams currently planned there's a little something for everyone to enjoy. Click the link below to see our public google calendar of event times!

Event Organizer